Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Replica watches
Viagra Pills
You have won a lottery, fly to LA
Replica watches at low price
Go for the blue pill

Were the general spam in the mail box as always, as Anuj skimmed through the mail box. He always searched for some connections between the spam messages he got. That day was no different. He got the same messages as every day. He was bored and left the machine with a sigh.

A little while later, he remembered about the term paper he had to submit online. He gave the final touches to the term paper (as if a copied thing looked different with that) and mailed the document to the Professor. He was about to close his mail box but looked at the spam count once. It showed 1 Unread Message. He opened it to check whether anything new had been invented in the spam world.

The mail had the most uninteresting look to it. It had all the junk about the pills and watches and some unreadable message. But one line attracted him most which read

"There was none to save me, as I opened it and I now wander under the Atlantic"

Anuj, at once, searched for some connections between the spam he had read and this line. He did this exercise every time he got a new spam message. It made no sense. He replied to this spam mail, like always. Every time he got a mail back saying "Sending message failed". But this time it was different, he did not get any message that his mail had failed reaching it. He waited for the reply but gave up and left after a while. He got himself busy in the day's activities and forgot about the mail he sent.

Evening when he returned to his room, he switched on the computer and hurriedly logged into his mail account. There were two new messages in the spam box. He quickly opened it and checked what they were. One was the routine pills thing about 20 % increase with some small font junk. The second mail was very short and interested him. It read

“ We know you . Come to Deluxe cafe tomorrow evening and ask for filters. Welcome to the spammers' meet”

The next day started as usual with the usual spam in the mailbox, in the class room every where indeed.He could not keep his mind away from thinking about the spammers meet. Before he made up his mind, he was on his bike driving it towards Deluxe cafe. It had a new look as opposed to the yellowed walls of the old cafe. He had never noticed this change all these days, though he passed by it very often.

The shopkeeper was eagerly serving the customers who thronged this new Deluxe cafe. He was not the same shop keeper, he remembered. How the shop changed hands so quickly was immaterial now. He went to the shopkeeper and asked for filters, doubting what it really meant. The shopkeeper gave a thorough look at Anuj and asked him to wait for 15 minutes. Anuj waited impatiently. Finally, the shopkeeper escorted him to a corner room and opened the door. Before Anuj realized where he was, he was inside the room.

The room was dark and air conditioned. The walls were lit with dim lights as in the movie halls. There was not a single soul in the room, except a large computer and a few smaller ones and a complicated equipment, which he could not make out for what purpose. He thought he must be really early to this spammers meet. He relaxed himself on one of the chairs. He waited there for an hour but nothing happened. No one came. He cursed himself for his stupidity and walked towards the door. He tried opening the door but found it was locked from the other side. He did not understand how the cafe was closed so early that day. He tried opening the door again, but in vain. He wanted to call his friend who lived very near by but there was no network there. He thought what a place this dungeon could be. He thought he should be able to communicate by some means.

That is when he realized that there was a computer in the room. He went to the desk and started the computer. He was thrilled at the speed at which it started as he switched it on. He logged onto his mail account and composed a SOS message to his friend Rishi, who is online all the time. He finished typing his message and clicked “send” . There was sudden cranking of gears and the complicated machine turned its laser on to Anuj and then the room was dark again.

Christine was late that day to the computer lab. The instructor had warned that if she missed that class, she could be struck off the rolls. She hurriedly took the last seat of the lab and opened her mail account. She too was interested in spam mails and their connections.

There was only one message that day and it read “ Help yourself if you can't end up clicking HERE ”. And the mail was from


Protussa said...

nice one dude...

But I am doing something with it and will send a copy to you soon...tell me if you like it.

Winnie the poohi said...
